Saturday, June 13, 2009

Training Seminar

"There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven...." Ecc.3:1

On the 6th and 7th of June I (Julia) attended a training seminar on how to work with teenagers in the risk group. I was invited because of the ministry with the orphan kids. The training was designed to teach how to train the kids to build healthy relationships with others, how to express your feelings in a constructive way, how to understand your own feelings. It talked a lot about how to teach the kids to respect themselves and others around them. We learned many useful exercises and games that we can use in our communication with the kids, in our visits to the orphanages and at the Bible group that we have at our place. I am very blessed that I was able to attend that training and I feel like the last several weeks were filled with many opportunities from God to learn new skills that can be used in our work with the youth and teenagers. There is a time for everything - time to learn as well.....This Saturday I am going to use several exercises and games at our group to talk about the importance of the words we say every day.

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